About Us

RMG Ghana Ltd is one of the major companies within the Agricultural industry of Ghana with all its products offered to the farmer sourced from Research and Development intensive manufacturers across the globe. We offer a broad range of solution oriented Agricultural inputs to the farmer including high value hybrid seeds that increases productivity and assures high level of yield for the farmer. RMG Ghana Ltd. also offers Agronomic and Technical services to farmers, up to date customer service to all our distribution networks, ensuring the product offered the customer/farmer is highly beneficial in terms of wealth creation.
Our Corporate Governance is aligned with international standards and practices and helps us achieve not only our business objectives, but also helps create value to society that is demonstrated by our strong environmental and social performance.  We are readily accessible across the length and breadth of Ghana with warehouses and satellite offices for fast deployment of all inputs and quick technical support services. We have the most qualified mix of staff to ensure that we give the very best to our clients. Our teams are categorized into three;
•    Finance & Administration
•    Sales & Marketing
•    Agronomy & Product Development

Our services are to the benefit of the Ghanaian farmer in particular and the entire Ghana as a whole. We believe the most appropriate way to ensure food security for a growing population in Ghana and the wealth creation for the farmer is to improve their productivity and the best way to achieve this is to ensure we make available to them, the best and the most advanced technology for irrigation, quality crop protection products (CPP’s), fertilizer and seeds for agriculture production. We are not just any agricultural company; we provide technologies that solve challenges that our farmers face in their everyday lives. Our products go through years of trials with our own scientists as well as National accredited institutes to ensure products are well adaptive and are safe for the environment. At the backbone of our operation is our effective extension services that ensures that our farmers receive the best technical support. We do demonstrations to showcase our products and new technologies to farmers every season and these have resulted in an increase in the overall performance in the areas of our major operations.

We also ensure that agronomic and technical solutions are transferred to most farmers cultivating cocoa, maize, rice, vegetable and many other crops which they will benefit from yield increases and translates into premium crops leading to meaningful profits from their farming operations. Again, our products and innovations help farmers to overcome multiple challenges from weeds, insects, pests, diseases and the effects of climate change on crops.

Our Commitment

RMG Ghana Ltd. is fully committed to improving the agricultural sector immensely in order to achieve increased crop yields and revenues for all small, medium and large-scale farmers acrross the country. We aim to achieve this by inputting maximum effort in the following key areas:

Crop Protection100%
Agro Inputs100%
Improved Yields & Revenue100%
Agro Inputs for Cocoa Production100%
Agricultural Research & Development100%

Corporate Social Responsibilities

Weather Report on GTV


Sponsors of the Weather Report on Ghana Television (GTV)

National Science & Maths Quiz
Support Extension Services

We represent the best international manufacturing companies in Ghana, which means farmers have access to the best brands of products that are available, similar to their counterparts across the globe. This gives us the opportunity to bring to Ghanaian farmers the latest innovations in agriculture. Some of our partner companies include; Syngenta, Bayer CropScience, Monsanto, Nordox, Detia Degesch, Pioneer, Pannar, Goizper SC, DOW, BASF etc.

WIENCO Ghana Ltd. Our local partner also provides organizational support to small scale farmer associations in terms of logistical support, warehousing solutions and marketing assistance thereby ensuring that all their produce; rice, maize, cocoa, vegetables and cotton has an existing market in the end. The RMG Group steps in to ensure that, all challenges arising within the value chain for the small holder farmer and associations are always addressed.

1. Completion of water storage infrastructure and installation of irrigation infrastructure in Babator in the Bole Bamboi district of the Northern Region to support seed production activities. At present, four (400) hectares of land has been developed and test production of maize and cowpea is about commencing. LOCATION IS VERY SUITABLE FOR SEED PRODUCTION.

2. Construction of a 3000 MT capacity cold room in Tema in the Greater Accra Region for storage. The platform has been completed awaiting the installation of the recommended structure for storage.

3. Provision of processing and storage infrastructure fully equipped with state of the art technology for northern, middle and southern sectors.There are two 200,000 MT storage facilities located in Tamale AND Tumu (northern sector) and Accra, KUMASI (southern sector). These facilities however require some limited refurbishment to make them operational with full efficiency.

4. We have established our own 2-hectare research field (fully irrigated) for screening and demonstration purposes of new CPP products, Seed varieties, station variety trials and verification field establishment at New Longoro, about a 45-minute drive from Wenchi.

Our extensive distribution networks comprise of RMG exclusive Shops, accredited local distributors and their dealers and retailers.

 RMG Ghana strategically also has warehouses across the country to serve our various markets. Our Sales Vans seek to provide the best affordable agricultural inputs reliably, timely and efficiently supported by training, innovations and product development.


  • Explore other areas in Ghana’s agriculture that provide better opportunities for more farmers to improve their productivity and income
  • To develop commercial agricultural irrigation practices using pivots and small irrigation systems through the promotion and implementation of innovative water and agricultural land management.
  • Become a Key Player in the Ghanaian Seed Industry with focus on Maize, Soyabean, Rice, Vegetable etc.
  • Continue to develop New Crop Protection Areas and Products.

Products & Services

A wide variety of top quality agro products for increased crop yields

Over the years, our branded products and services are second to none and internationally acceptable. Among our known brands are Confidor, Ridomil, Nordox, Pannar seeds, Matabi, etc. 

About RMG Ghana Ltd.

logo f RMG Ghana Ltd is one of the major companies within the Agricultural industry of Ghana with all its products offered to the farmer sourced from Research and Development intensive manufacturers across the globe. Read More...


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Quick Contact

No. 14 Narku Ipan Rd., near Nyaho Clinic, Airport Residential Area.
P. O. Box 7593, Accra - North
Tel: +233 302-776 447 / 302-773-458/9
+233 302-772 239 (Fax)
[email protected]